100 club
Llangrove Communications Group - 100 Club
The Llangrove 100 club was started as a means of paying for the costs incurred in running the village website, information booklet, Llangrove Links and any other communications related costs.
The 100 Club Rules state that any money excess to the above should be spent for the general benefit of Llangrove community. In the past surplus money has been donated to various causes including start up money for clubs, repairs to the Village Hall notice board and a contribution to a new lawn mower for the Church.
Please email ptlodge@btopenworld.com or download an application form if you would like to join.
If there are already 100 members at the time of your application, your name will be put on a waiting list. Thank you for your interest.
Audited accounts for the first year end are available for inspection.
The 100-Club Rules
1. The name of the club is Llangrove Links 100 Club, hereafter called 'the club'.
2. The object of the club is to raise funds for the purposes of communication in Llangrove. Any surplus funds will be used for the general benefit of Llangrove community.
3. Each participant must be over 16 years of age and have an association with Llangrove.
4. There shall be no more than 100 members.
5. The club shall be administered by the Communications Action Group, formed in 2008 at the launch of the Llangrove Village Plan. Monies shall be handled by the Treasurer of Llangrove Links which has a bank account with three signatories. A separate set of accounts will be kept for the club. Accounts and the register of members will be available for scrutiny, given reasonable notice.
6. Participation in the club shall be by payment of £12 per annum for each share, payable by banker's order or cheque. This may be paid annually or by a standing order of £1 per month. Members will enter the draw in the next calendar month after first payment.
7. A participant may hold more than one membership of the club. Each membership will be allocated a roll number and a roll of membership will be maintained.
8. Should a member not renew their subscription, they will not be entered in the following month's draw and their number may be re-allocated.
9. Monthly cash prizes will be awarded, dependent on the number of members at the first day of that month. This will be 50% of the amount invested by those members on the first day of that month. Three prizes will be awarded each month: the first prize will be a half share of the prize money, the second and third prizes will be quarter shares (eg if there are 100 members, there will be £50 prize money available in that month, split £25 for first prize, £12.50 each for second and third prizes).
10. The winning numbers will be drawn during the calendar month in a public place, eg at the pub quiz, village coffee morning or similar. Results will be published in Border News and on the Llangrove Links website. Winners will receive their prize in the form of a cheque.
11. Participants can cancel their entry in the lottery at any time by giving one month's written notice to the administrator (if paying by standing order, they should advise their bank). Any decision to wind up the club will also be by one month's written notice. Under no circumstances can any payments be refunded.
12. The club is exempt from registration under the terms of Section 11 of the Gambling Act 2005.